Friday, October 15, 2010

I Finally Found You

Yes, I finally found him. Yeap I know it sounds more like when you're just in love or just married, not when you're already together for six years and a baby is on the way. But lately, I think I have just fallen in love with him again. I finally found the right man.

You know how pregnancy can make you go crazy and how the hormones are going bonkers, he was there with me, comforting me and teasing me at times just to make me feel better. I would never ever give up anything to change that. It's easy falling in love with guys, but not easy to finally settle with Mr. Right. I don't think I want to go through that process all over again, only to find that he's not really The One.

He went through with me so much in the past six years, and although it may not be as long as some relationships out there, I know I can count on him, depend on him for everything. Tolerating with me (being the only child) can be quite challenging at times. Well, the reason why I said I found The One is because he pampers me the way my parents used to, and perhaps even more, like how a husband would do. Thinking back as I'm writing this, I'm smiling to myself because I remember how at times I would get all emotional and kept crying for no reasons. And there he will be, right next to me, just to cuddle me and tell me everythings alright. Haha and then the next day he'll tell me, he got panicked because he didn't know what to do, yet he had to maintain his 'cool'. Haha!

I know you will always hold my hand and walk with me until we have grey hair and false teeth. I know you will always pamper me the way I like it. I know you will always support me in anything I do (even though I may be wrong at times). I know I have a bad temper and I know you will always have a way to cool me down and talk sense with me, I know you've just got your way with me.

But, I want you to know that I too, will walk hand in hand with you, go through all our ups and downs, for the rest of our lives. I want to and will be your pillar of strength, I want to make you laugh and take away all your worries for as long as I can. I want many other things.

I am so blessed, and all I want to say is, I LOVE YOU, for being my everything. I guess I just, found you.

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